Reduce Energy Cost

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Reduce the temperature 

A comfortable temperature for most of homes is between 18C and 21C. Bearing this in mind, we suggest 20C, you’re home wont be boiling, but it definitely wont be cold!

Evening energy drain aka vampire appliances

Homes are filled with appliances and technology, which all require power to run, even when in standby or sleep mode! To combat this invest in a plug that monitors usage of each appliance. This will provide you with key information on which appliances it may be best to switch off completely rather than leaving on standby mode.

You can purchase a monitoring plug from places such as amazon for around £10s and this could help you save anything up to £500 a year! Excellent return on investment!

Window Film – save up to £400

Adding an additional layer of window film to your windows really can help reduce heat loss. Some recommend bubble wrap, however, film specifically designed for windows is quite in expensive and can save you up to £400 a year!

Draught Excluders

Windows and doors are hotspots for draughts, on a windy day have a feel around your home to see if you can find any draughty areas. Draught proof tape and foam, are low priced and easy to install.

The door draught excluders come in a variety of designs which will suit your decor too, which is great, as the kids can have animals, while the living room can have something more formal and sleek.

This could save you up to £60 a year, which might not seem like much, however, the removal of the draught it self will have an instant impact of the warmth of your home during the winter!

Rugs – save up to £180 a year

Most home do not have under flooring heating / insulation and a lot of modern designs, include laminate and wooden flooring. These are naturally colder options than carpet, thus laying a rug or two throughout your home can really help keep heat in your home and prevent that early morning cold floor feeling!

Floor insulation can save you up to £150 a year!

Radiators (TRV) – Save £75

Having A thermostatic radiator valve (TRV) installed on your radiators allows you to turn off specific radiators in rooms you may not need heated! Dave said it’s important to not waste money heating rooms that you don’t spend much time in. The are often cheap to buy around £15 – £20.

Controlling your heating and avoiding waste can really have a positive impact on your energy bill saving. In general most households could save up to £80 a year.

Doing these simple things can really help to reduce energy cost and usage. Whilst some may calls these energy saving tricks we hope to promote this to help all homes be more efficient, warmer and cheaper to run!

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